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Monthly Intent Signals Tracked

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19.4 thousand

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Monthly Software

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Precision targeted, integrated marketing solutions designed to fill your pipeline and drive revenue.

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Native Advertising

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SourceForge is providing us a platform to demonstrate our strong presence in the market with reviews and branding that work well for us.”

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David T.
Digital Media Specialist

“We’ve been working with Slashdot for a year now and couldn’t be more pleased. Not only are the results from our campaigns over what we had projected, but their team is spectacular to work with. We value our partnership with them and look forward to growing with them”

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Accelerate demand, reach decision-makers, close more deals.

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Monthly Site Visitors

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B2B Contact Database

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Monthly Software Downloads

Monthly Intent Signals Monitored

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Precision targeted, data-driven marketing solutions designed to fill your pipeline and drive revenue.

Lead Generation

Display Advertising

Native Advertising

Business Software


Custom Content

Predictive intent signals reveal in-market buyers

PASSPORT tracks billions of buyer interactions every month enabling us to identify which companies are in-market and more likely to buy your services.

Powerful AI-powered intelligence optimizes campaigns

PASSPORT technology intelligence finds the right accounts and engages with contacts that matter – the ones that convert into customers.

Big data, custom audience segments, integrated ABM

PASSPORT uses big data to design & build better campaigns that surround active buyers and push qualified prospects into your pipeline.

PASSPORT – A Powerful Demand Engine that Converts Marketing into Revenue

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PASSPORT – AI and Machine Learning Drive Better Leads, Better Results

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PASSPORT – Integrated Campaigns that Deliver Qualified Prospects


PASSPORT Client Portal

Passport Portal Dashboard

PASSPORT Client Portal

Passport Portal Lead Generation Item

PASSPORT – Lead Contact Information

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PASSPORT – Lead Interactions


PASSPORT – Lead’s Top Interests


PASSPORT – Lead Insights

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PASSPORT – Downloaded Assets



PASSPORT transparently displays how leads are generated allowing you to better understand how and with whom your message best resonates.

Powerful reporting, lead intelligence

PASSPORT delivers summary reporting, alerts, and detailed metrics enabling marketers to quickly view campaign pacing, engagement and performance.

Actionable insights, better results

PASSPORT reveals the no-so-obvious insights allowing you to focus your resources on the buyers and audience segments most interested in your services.

Serving Technology-driven
Businesses Since 1999

More Demand, Better Results.
Our Customers Agree.


“We view Slashdot as one of our most valuable partners. Slashdot consistently exceeds expectations in attracting a highly technical audience. Over the last few years, Slashdot has easily driven 2-3x the conversions of competitive sites for half the advertising spend.”

Jessica L.
Director, Technology Marketing
Ryan S.

“We have seen effective lead generation through the SourceForge software review site. We’re really excited about the quality of those leads especially given most of them are in the buying process.

SourceForge is providing us a platform to demonstrate our strong presence in the market with reviews and branding that work well for us.”

Ryan S.

“Slashdot has worked with us to make sure they fully understand our target audience… They work with us to make sure they deliver the leads that they have guaranteed… it’s great that we can rely on them for campaign updates.”

Digital Media Specialist
Annabelle W.

“We’ve been working with Slashdot for a year now and couldn’t be more pleased. Not only are the results from our campaigns over what we had projected, but their team is spectacular to work with. We value our partnership with them and look forward to growing with them”

AnnaBelle W.
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